Entries by djbutt

Local Knowledge and New Media Theory

Over the last four years, and with the support of numerous people including many in the Aotearoa Digital Arts network, I have been writing articles, giving talks, editing books, producing creative works and organising events that ask what it means for new media to consider the implications of indigenous knowledge, culture, and ways of being. This article summarises the theoretical learning from that work, with a view toward bringing an end to what Guillermo Gómez-Peña suggests is a necessary “hyperintensification” of certain cultural problematics that I have been engaging in over the last few years.

Reflections on the Politics of Practicality: Evaluating ICT for community development

Results-oriented development frameworks often continue to advocate what Iris Marion Young calls a ‘distributive paradigm’, without a holistic overview of the real outcomes for communities. Community practitioners can avoid some of these pitfalls in planning and evaluating their projects by looking beyond the project’s practical outcomes that may mask deeper levels of unintended consequences or lack of effectiveness. Central to this process is a need for detailed stakeholder engagement and active management of donor and funder expectations.

Pakeha / Tauiwi and Tino Rangatiratanga

Introduction to panel on Tauiwi and Tino Rangatiratanga Parihaka International Peace Festival, January 6 2007 Danny Butt – https://dannybutt.net Tena koutou katoa and welcome to the panel “Pakeha/Tauiwi and Tino Rangatiratanga: A possibility for peace or a contradiction in terms?” I’d like to give thanks to Te Miringa Hohaia for inviting me to speak at […]

Craft, Context and Method: The Creative Industries and “Alternative Models”

To appear in MyCreativity Reader, Institute of Network Cultures, Amsterdam 2007. Danny Butt – https://dannybutt.net This paper emerged from an invitation to join a panel for myCreativity on alternative business and organisational models, which I accepted because I was excited to participate in such a convivial environment with friends I knew well, and wanted the […]

Net Neutrality: No Easy Answers

Comment piece for Media International Australia, June 2006. http://www.emsah.uq.edu.au/mia/ Danny Butt, Suma Media Consulting The concept of “Network Neutrality” has received a great deal of attention in the press recently, mostly due to so-far unsuccessful US telecommunications legislation proposals that required Internet Service Providers (ISPs) to carry any and all Internet traffic equally, rather than […]

Digital Rights Management and Music in Australasia

Digital Rights Management and Music in Australasia Danny Butt and Axel Bruns Preprint of article published in Media and Arts Law Review, 10(4), November 2005 The Contemporary DRM Terrain Technologists tend to see Digital Rights Management (DRM) as a technological solution, lawyers worry about its relation to copyright law, economists concern themselves with the market […]

Local Knowledge: Place and New Media Practice

I grew up selling Local Knowledge, though I didn’t think much about it at the time. Local Knowledge was the brand name for the surfboards made by my stepfather’s surf shop on Australia’s Gold Coast. Surfers – compared to most other white settlers who aren’t farmers – have detailed relationships with physical places and locations. […]

Cultural Futures recap

Cultural Futures: Place ground and practice in Asia-Pacific New Media Arts. Hoani Waititi, Auckland, December 1-5 2005. This piece (1000-word limit, so a little sketchy) appears in Visit magazine, published by the Govett Brewster Art Gallery, New Plymouth, NZ. For more information on Cultural futures, visit the symposium website. “Sarai” in a number of Indian […]

Biculturalism as Multiculturalism

Biculturalism as Multiculturalism (in monocultural New Zealand) Talk given at “Biculturalism or Multiculturalism?” conference, hosted by the School of Culture, Literature and Society at the University of Canterbury, 1-3 September 2005 [This is a rough paper, not designed to be published, so excuse poor grammar and lack of references] Tena koutou katoa. Nau te raurau […]